LPN Programs in Nashville, Tennessee

Get your LPN license in Nashville, Tennessee - online & campus-based options available.

Contact a school today for more info.

Which Nashville schools offer LPN programs?

Nashville LPN Programs (campus-based programs as well as online LPN programs) are medical training programs. LPN programs are typically offered at vocational schools, technical schools, state colleges, nursing universities, online LPN programs, and other higher education institutions.

The best LPN school for you is the one that prepares you for success as a nurse. Many two year colleges that offer associate degrees also offer LPN programs. Exact class size and clinical requirements will vary by each college offering the program.

How do I become an LPN in Tennessee?

You must complete a practical nursing program and pass the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCLEX-PN) exam to be certified and receive your required LPN licensure.

How long will my LPN Course be?

Most LPN programs take 1 year to one and a half years complete. That's a 12 month to 18 month training program. Some nursing schools offer LPN programs which will qualify you for certification after only 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 months of class.

Do I need to complete an LPN program before I go to college to get an RN Degree?

No. Completing LPN training is not necessary before you can get your RN license. An accredited RN degree can be completed in as little as two years.

What are typical LPN Pre-Reqs?

As all schools have different academic requirements to get accepted into their LPN program, Tennessee LPN schools are no exception. You can expect an entrance exam or at least a prerequisite check when you submit your application to determine your eligibility. There may be additional academic requirements also.

At the very least, most schools require applicants to have a High school diploma / GED. You also must get accepted to the college that you are applying to.

Financial aid, including nursing scholarships or federal grant money, may be available to you as a new students enrolling in Nashville LPN classes. For more information, check with the Admissions office at the program you are applying to.

Are CNA to LPN Programs Available?

Yes, some vocational schools in Tennessee offer CNA to LPN programs. Usually, a CNA to LPN program will last one year. CNAs who Enroll in one of these programs will build upon their existing knowledge to learn the necessary skills to work at the LPN level.

LPN Schools Near You & Online Near Nashville, Tennessee

Tennessee Technical Center

  • 100 White Bridge Road Nashville, TN 37209
    Programs: CNA, LPN
    (615) 425-5500

Tennessee Technical Center

  • 740 Highway 46 Dickson, TN 37055
    Programs: LPN
    (615) 441-6220

Tennessee Technical Center

  • 716 Mcmurry Blvd E Hartsville, TN 37074
    Programs: CNA, LPN
    (615) 374-2147

Tennessee Technical Center

  • 813 West Main Street Hohenwald, TN 38462
    Programs: CNA, LPN
    (931) 796-7753

Tennessee Technological University

  • 1 William L Jones Dr. Cookeville, TN 38505
    Programs: BSN, EMT Paramedic, LPN, MSN, RN, RN to BSN
    (931) 372-3888

Tennessee Technical Center

  • 740 High Tech Drive Livingston, TN 38570
    Programs: CNA, LPN
    (931) 823-5525

Tennessee Technical Center

  • 312 S. Wilson Street Paris, TN 38242
    Programs: CNA, LPN
    (731) 644-7365